Unlike most members of my generation, I can survive more than a few minutes without my cell phone. There are even a select number of humans whom I enjoy regularly texting. Don't get me wrong, texting in essence is incredibly practical; instantly alert someone without having to place a call, organize group events in just a few clicks, etc. However, it's without saying that texting (especially in teens and young adults) has gotten way out of hand and created an array of problems and severe annoyances.
- Eye-Contact is 4 Noobz I imagine that in the years before texting, if you sat down in class next to someone you've never met, and you're both just sitting in silence, one of you would eventually start up a conversation and BOOM you've made a new friend. Texting allows awkward situations to become less awkward, so no need to branch out and meet people. Now, everyone's anti-social and phone-obsessed. LAME.
- Speling is 4 Noobz Lol I've noticed that the more frequent the texter, the more atrocious the spelling and vocabulary. Not only is texting casual and quick, but some phones even come with spell-check. There's a reason most people don't know when to use "your" and when to use "you're." They're used to typing "ur." I think the worst case of text misspelling was one friend of mine who consistently spelled the word "busy" as "bissy."
- Ima Gonna Stalk U It used to be that if you gave some your number, they would have to work up the courage to call you. Now, all they have to do is punch in some letters and they can talk to you about anything, anytime. There's no face-to-face contact, no vocal contact, not even contact with the other person's handwriting. There's nothing to fear. It's also hard to get new acquaintances to stop texting you, I've noticed. For example; last week, I met a new friend at church. We had the same friends, he seemed nice, so we became friends. Shortly afterwards, he asked for my number. Thinking there would be no harm in that, I gave it to him. Shortly afterwards, he started texting me hourly - more frequently than even my best friends. It got to the point where I basically had to flat-out tell him to stop, since he wouldn't take hints. Curse you, vile texting...cuuuuuuuurrrrse you.
- TROLLOLOLOL Just as texting makes it easy to be extra friendly, texting allows also makes it easier to be a jerk. While I've been fortunate enough to never experience this, texting and online instant messaging are the perfect tools for bullies. Anyone can have the courage to insult someone when they can do it completely anonymously and without having to look them in the eye. Think about how easy it would be to get someone's cell number, change your own number, and bombard that person with discouraging texts. You could pretend to be anyone and say anything.
- Omg Im @ Work LOL One of my biggest text-related pet peeves is when co-workers text on the job. It's so easy to slip into the back by the freezer and text away while others pick up the slack. A few of my co-workers abuse this to the umpteenth degree.
- LOL Mannerz R LAME Ever been in a regular conversation with someone, then all of a sudden they start texting someone else instead of talking to you? I can't think of anything ruder to do during a conversation...except maybe randomly stabbing the person you're talking to.
- Texting Out LOUD Probably the easiest way to lose my respect for someone is when they use texting lingo out loud in everyday conversation. Is it really that hard to say "Just Kidding" instead of "JK??"
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